Mix and match with Partners like never before.

Platform of Trust is the world's first data ecosystem host, founded according to Nordic principles of trust, equity, transparency, and legal compliance.


Make magic with our partners, or bring your own

VertoNordic Oy

Water consumption matters. We enable responsible choices and a more efficient way of working.

Verto is the smartest water metering system on the market and Finland's leading expert on water consumption data. We manufacture and sell household-specific Verto water metering systems. 

Verto is the smartest water metering system on the market and Finland's leading expert on water consumption data. We manufacture and sell household-specific Verto water metering systems. In addition, we offer a smart water service that combines the maintenance, upkeep, billing and customer service of our system in a unique way. As our customer, you save not only time and energy, but money as well.

Interested? Visit Verto.

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Join our partner program

1. Reach us

Fill in your company's information and agree to partner program terms.

2. Let's plan a joint venture

Technical and business support from Platform of Trust for making plan into action.

3. Actions turn into revenue

Take part in our ecosystem activities and start growing your business. We will make a case study and joint marketing campaign.

Get started

  1. Have a chat with us. Leave your contact info below.
  2. Let’s find out a business need that we can solve together. See a live demo how it works.
  3. We will build an end-to-end solution for you in a moment.