These are built with the platform
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Platform of Trust enhances the efficiency of the maintenance of Hemsö’s properties
Hemsö Yhteiskuntakiinteistöt Oy has extensive experience in the sustainable ownership, maintenance, and development of care, educational, and healthcare institutions. The company collects large volumes of various types of data regarding its properties in order to enhance the efficiency of and to predict maintenance needs, in particular. Vastuu Group‘s Platform of Trust enables the data collected from various sources to be combined and visualised into unified entities.
Some of our clients and partners
Aavista Oy
Aavista helps customers to discover gems hidden in the data masses. Data issues can be difficult to solve, but you need to take the first step. We help you in the discovery to achieve the data harmonization benefits.
720° is a groundbreaking, cloud-based solution that gives building owners, property managers and tenants the ability to increase occupant satisfaction, decrease building maintenance costs and boost building value by monitoring and analyzing building related data.
Magic Add Oy
Magic Add Oy has developed Internet of Packaging technology. Internet of Technology provides a unique identity to the product. Unique identity can be used to automate recycling and automatically calculate CO2 footprint.
Turku City Data Oy
Turku City Data's mission is to help cities take advantage of their data and improve our living environment – node by node.
How to get started
1) Have a chat with us. Leave your contact info below.
2) Let’s find out a business need that we can solve together. See a live demo how it works.
3) We will build an end-to-end solution for you in a moment.